SEMBRANDO applies a rapid impact strategy because the components improve in a significant way the families’ health and economy. Also, the sustainability implies work to strengthen the good practices and supervision and maintenance of organic-orchards and improved cookstoves.
Good practices sustainability:

Development Agents (ADS)
The aim of social participation is to have the community, the families and the people involved in their own development, through the creation of local capabilities to manage the relevant processes. To link and coordinate its actions SEMBRANDO requests from each community where the program is implemented to elect in a democratic way a person, that can be a man or a woman, literate, committed and decided to strengthen his/her knowledge, capabilities and attitudes with a social and voluntary aim to be a promoter and participant between SEMBRANDO and each one of the average of 25 families for which he/she is responsible to facilitate the implementation of the Program.
Nutritional sustainability:

While the intake of the “Little Stars” and fortified milk are oriented to reduce anemia and to fight against malnutrition, to keep up those levels, the families must have also balanced food diets.
The vegetable crops in the Organic-orchards permit the supply of those components.
Economic sustainability, maintenance and supervision:

Carbon Bonds
The use of improved kitchens includes an additional benefit: the drastic reduction of greenhouse gases (each improved kitchen reduces in about 1.5 and 2 tons the emission of CO2 per year). Besides, the less consumption of firewood (because of its better combustion) contributes to reduce deforestation.
This reduction has a value in the international market for carbon credits. The ITYF has an agreement with the Microsol company to certify and obtain carbon credits from 25,000 improved kitchens.
The income obtained will be used for the maintenance of the improved kitchens and latrines during seven years.