Healthy Family
One that enables the harmonious growth of all its members, and where:
- Each family member feels safe, loved and motivated to develop his or her skills and aptitudes.
- There is no violence or abuse of any sort.
- The fundamental rights of each member are respected.

Families where each member lives in respect and care of each other, healthy, protecting the pregnant mother, raising their children in an environment without dangers, using their improve cookstoves, latrines, completing their diet with fruits and vegetables from their family orchards and involve themselves in the health and well-being of the community.
Working in an articulated manner with local authorities, the community and SEMBRANDO, it is possible to make the cultural changes needed to achieve the harmonious development of the family, thus generating Healthy Families, and Healthy Communities where a culture of peace and development will be constructed.
Vulnerable Group
The Pregnant Woman:
Needs the most care because she carries a new being and it is important that she receives the proper medical control at the health center, that she consumes mineral and vitamin supplements (“Estrellitas” or Little Stars) needed to ensure the baby is born healthy and that the mother and child are not endangered during the birth or post-partum. -
The Newly Born:
The newborn comes into contact with the environment and its exposed to many diseases, he requires:- To be feed with breast milk during the first 6 months to correctly nourished.
- To acquire all vaccines, and control its weight and size every month to guard his development.
- To register its birth at the municipality and get his national identity document DNI.
- To receive early stimulation to develop its motor and cognitive abilities.
- The protection and care from its family members.
Children under 5 years of age:
During the first five years, children develop the neuronal interactions that guarantee their future intellectual development and knowledge. If the child experiences continual colds or diarrhea, intestinal parasites or malnutrition, he or she cannot develop to his or her full potential and this will have ongoing negative consequences throughout his or her life. Thus, this is exactly the time of their development where the child requires a varied nutrition, rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins that will enable him to grow according to his age.